Make your hair grow faster and keep it looking shiny and healthy.
This deep conditioning hair mask using castor oil and other natural ingredients
1 tbsp. Castor Oil
1 tbsp. Almond Oil
1/2 tbsp. Jojoba Oil
5 drops Rosemary Oil
3 drops Tea Tree Oil
What to Do:
In a small bowl, heat up castor oil in the microwave for 30 seconds.
Once melted, remove from microwave and add in almond and jojoba oil.
Add your essential oils, stir together and set aside to cool.
Brush your hair and once the oil has cooled and isn’t hot, massage onto scalp and hair.
You can take a small cotton swab and fab along your hairline.
Rinse out oil using warm water. You can also use to thicken your eyebrows.
This ethod csn be done up to three times per month.