The secret to getting rid of and preventing split ends can b done at home and all for under $10.
Coconut Milk Hair Spray
Use a coconut milk spray to smoothen your hair and prevent from split ends.
Mix 1/2 cup coconut mil with 1 tbsp. honey, 5 drops Rosemary Essential Oil, 5 drops Lavender Essential Oil, 3 drops Lemon Essential Oil together and pour into a spray bottle.
Generously sprat onto dry hair and scalp and let the mixture sit on your head for about 15 minutes.
Rinse hair with warm water and allow your hair to air dry.
Banana Avocado Protein Mask
Avocados contain proteins that are great for keeping the scalp healthy and your strong. Bananas nourish and replenish the follicles helping to keep your hair breakage free.
Items Needed:
2 tbsp. Avocado
2 tbsp. Mashed Banana
1 tbsp. Coconut Oil
1 tbsp. Plain Greek Yogurt
1 tbsp. Sweet Almond or Jojoba Oil
1 tbsp. Honey
Mash the banana and avocado together and add your remaining ingredients. Mix together until the mixture is a smooth a creamy texture.
While your hair is slightly damp, apply mixture to head and comb through down to the ends. Use your fingertips to massage the ends of your hair for a couple minutes.
Put hair up in a shower cap for about 15-20 minutes.Remove shower cap and try to remove as much of the mixture and discard into the trash.
Rinse hair using lukewarm water and do not dry with a towel or blow dry. Use a cotton shirt as this will absorb the moisture from your hair without causing more damage to your already weakened hair.
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