How to dye your hair using coffee.
This is a fun, non-toxic and easy way to make your hair shiny and darker, using natural ingredients.
It’s cheap, simple and will even cover up gray hair! Also helps to bring out natural highlights in your hair.
Now you are going to need to use essential oils for this method as we have had a few complaints of the smell without them.
Use It As A Spray:
Brew yourself 1-2 cups of black coffee. Once cooled, pour coffee into spray bottle and add 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 10 drops of your favorite essential oils. Twist on the cap and shake to mix.
Generously spray onto hair and scalp,and use your fingers to even the mixture out.
After 3-5 minutes, rinse with cool water and shampoo one time.
Use As A Hair Dye
Mix 2 tablespoons coffee grounds with 3 tablespoons conditioner.
Apply to hair and even it out using a wide tooth comb.
After 3 minutes, rinse hair using cool water.
Enjoy your naturally looking darker hair and highlights!